
Wordshark has been the leading spelling specialist for over 25 years.

It includes motivating activities and 10,000 words arranged in structured lists. The program is especially popular for students with SEND and EAL but is now ideal for whole class/school use.

‘Wordshark Online’ is the latest edition of Wordshark, a subscription model allowing students and teachers to sign in from anywhere, with a placement test and automatic progression that allow fully independent learning and reduce teacher time involved. In addition, the option to set work and add own words makes Wordshark even more adaptable to the needs of students and teachers.

Numbershark (current version: 5) helps students understand and practise numeracy. The graduated topics and engaging activities teach and reinforce the understanding of numbers.

Own Brands

  • Wordshark Online, Numbershark v5

Supplier Brands

  • Wordshark Online, Numbershark v5

Early Years

  • No