
At Promote Your School, we have over 20 years’ experience in education. So we’re well placed to advise on every aspect of your Wall Art project.

Our dedicated design team will work with you to create bespoke Wall Art tailored to your design brief and requirements. All designs are created individually for each project using our extensive industry knowledge, expertise and experience.

What’s your goal?
If you choose Wall Art for your school, it can transform old buildings, add personality to new builds, revamp outdoor spaces and turn thoroughfares into learning opportunities.

Wall Art can help you achieve a specific objective for your school.

With Wall Art you can; inspire learning, enhance the curriculum, communicate values, create a calming environment to improve wellbeing, brighten up your external grounds, help pupils find their way around school more easily

We’ll work with you to find the right solution for your pupils and school community.

Let us help you create stimulating learning environments that will enthuse and engage your students. Invest in high impact Wall Art designed to last many years.

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