Tudor Primary is a school in Southall in West London. There are approximately 400 pupils on roll, with EAL pupils making up 93% of the school. The Ealing average is 64.7% and the national average is 20.1% (Ealing Primary School Data, Spring 2017). The school also has a high level of casual admissions (9.7% annually, compared with the 7.7% Ealing average).
EAL blended learning resources and training for learning in schools.
The Learning Village
offers EAL blended learning for learners in schools (for induction to English, gap-filling and pre-teaching vocabulary and language structures), both for independent learning and small-group teaching. It is suitable for learners of any language, thanks to its image-based methodology, including those not literate in their home language.
Alistair Harding, EAL Coordinator, Holly Lodge High School
“The Learning Village has provided our school with a very practical, individualised learning tool for EAL students, with a clear curriculum, structure and pedagogy. This allows both more and less experienced staff to effectively support students’ language development. There is a wealth of materials and resources available, as well as plenty of support and training to help optimise our use of the tool.”
EAL Framework
This 3-day residential course provides a key person in your school with training and resources for developing a flexible whole-school framework for supporting EAL development. It is designed to develop good practice, create consistency across the school and provide flexible resources to support differentiation. The course prepares the participant to deliver a flexible and optional 12-hour course in their own school.
Caroline Black, Sayes Court Primary School
“I can’t wait to get started! I think it will drastically overhaul EAL provision at my school, from when pupils start with us to when they leave. I think all staff and children will benefit from the training. Thank you!”
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Providing regular guidance and free downloads for EAL teachers.
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- Learning Village
- EAL Framework
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Early Years
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