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Reception Baseline Assessment in England

The Department for Education intends to run a competitive procurement process for the development and delivery of an assessment for...
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Professional Skills Tests for Prospective Teachers

The Department for Education wishes to procure a test delivery service and associated development processes to support the Professional Skills...
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Research into opportunities offered by Higher Education Institutions (HEI) international activity

Arts Council England is seeking a research supplier help better understand the opportunities offered by the growing international network of...
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Home4Schools – A homepage that gives you a positive start of the day [#BettFuturesTakeover]

Teaching is a tough job. Finding enough hours in the day to be on top of our workload is a...
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Education Resources Awards 2018 open for entries

Now is your chance – whether you’re a supplier, a teacher, or anyone involved in education – to show the...
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CEL Robox – Ground-breaking 3D printer launched at Bett 2018 [#BettFuturesTakeover]

CEL is the manufacturer of a range of low-cost power tools and the hugely successful POWER8 Workshop, an award-winning cordless...
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Axle Education – Ensuring that learners take ownership of their learning [#BettFuturesTakeover]

At Axle Education, we have established a unique system which empowers learners to take ownership of their learning. It is...
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Amolingua – Learning a foreign language includes understanding its cultural context [#BettFuturesTakeover]

Amolingua offers you and your business the tools necessary to work in a global marketplace without the restrictions that come...
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Spongy Elephant – A revolutionary approach to CPD [#BettFuturesTakeover]

“This looks brilliant!” Jon Brown, National Leader of Education, Executive Headteacher, Discovery Schools Academies Trust Great teaching is a key factor in students’...
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Get My Grades – New EdTech tool makes reducing workload a reality [#BettFuturesTakeover]

Imagine, as a teacher, being able to check in seconds how well your students understand each and every aspect of...
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