


Factifile/briefing: Priority School Building Programme 2015

The Priority School Building Programme (PSBP) is a centrally managed programme set up to address the needs of the schools most in need of urgent repair. The first wave of allocations was announced in May 2012. This document summarises the Programme’s strategy.

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Fairer schools funding 2015/2016

A brief summary of the 2014 Government announcement that a final allocation of £390 million of additional schools funding in 2015/2016 is to increase the per-pupil funding of 69 of the ‘least fairly-funded areas’. This document provides explanation and implication of this policy as well as providing links to further information.

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Female Entrepreneurs fly the British flag in China, with Early Years EdTech Launch at Bett 2019

With China relaxing its one child policy, the Early Years education market there is flourishing. Both Chinese and international providers...
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Five ways to keep teachers motivated towards the end of term

Motivated teachers are crucial to a successful classroom. But it’s understandable that, as we approach the end of another school year, that positivity can start to dwindle. So, now more than ever, it’s vital to keep staff energised. So, what can head teachers do to help educators go the extra mile and maintain a positive attitude when they are tired and stressed?

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Free “prescribed” etextbooks alleviate impact of university campus closures in South Africa

With university campuses closed around the world due to Covid-19 and students unable to access their library, leading global etextbook...
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Free Schools 2013

This factfile summarises what Free Schools are, where they’ve evolved from, how they are funded and their scope for the future.

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Furniture and Play Equipment Resourcing in English Primary Schools 2015

C3 Education undertook a BESA-commissioned project to review furniture and play equipment resourcing in primary schools, with particular reference to any differences between maintained schools in England and those that are now designated as academies. This report is the first project on play equipment to be undertaken; however, a previous furniture review in 2012 has … Continued

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Furniture and Storage in English Maintained Schools 2012

This document provides an analysis of the 2012 questionnaire issued to English maintained schools in January 2012.

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Furniture and Storage in English Maintained Schools 2012

This document provides an analysis of the 2012 questionnaire issued to English maintained schools in January 2012. The typical primary school is expected to spend -3.9% less on furniture in 2011/12 than it did in 2010/11, while secondary schools indicate spending -2.6% less. From school budgets English maintained schools are expected to purchase £79 million worth … Continued

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Further Education Focus Group (December 2014)

This focus group contains members of FE (Further Education) institutions with differing circumstances. It looks at questions relating to areas such as funding and procurement.

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