

by Twoey

Exporting: Exciting opportunity or daunting prospect?

It wasn’t that long ago that Twoey tentatively dipped a toe in the water and decided to explore the business...
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How do we make ‘Business’ feel exciting

As a manufacturing business established in the UK, with almost all of our founding management team being female, we thought we were pretty well placed to talk about encouraging more women into business. However, as we started to debate the topic we felt it was more relevant, in 2018, to discuss how to encourage more ‘people’ into starting and running their own business, leaving gender aside.

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It’s Time for Big School…All Change!

With September fast approaching there’s a new intake of excitable four and five-year-olds about to start school for the very first time. Going to ‘Big School’ is a significant milestone for every child, it can be exciting, nerve-wracking and worrying but one thing it definitely will be is very different. In reality, it means adjusting to new routines, new teachers, new environment and making new friends which can all be exhausting and take time to settle into.

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New Twoey Glo – Illuminating minds, sparking the imagination and lighting up the world!

When you are developing a new product range it’s a very exciting time! Especially when you are introducing a product that is a first for the UK, a brand new range made using an innovative new material and designed using 20+ years of experience in education and manufacturing.

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TWOEY: A Cumbrian Education Resources Manufacter to Aid Struggling Local Schools

A Cumbrian manufacturer is giving away thousands of pounds worth of educational play equipment and furniture on Budget Day, and...
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